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// Tour started on article page, with task toolbar showing
// Used for VisualEditor. The 'gettingstartedtasktoolbar' tour is for wikitext editing.
( function ( $, mw, gt ) {
'use strict';
var task = mw.gettingStarted.logging.getTaskForCurrentPage() || '',
editSectionSelector = '.mw-editsection-visualeditor',
// The code around the section stuff is a bit of a hack, but I want to see if this is common
// so I don't over-framework it.
// The reason hasEditSection is a function is that through VE, users can dynamically add or
// remove sections without a page load.
function hasEditSection() {
return $( editSectionSelector ).length > 0;
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalNamespace' ) !== '' || task.indexOf( 'gettingstarted-' ) !== 0 ) {
// Ideally, the button would also change dynamically as well if they re-start the tour (without a page load).
// However, with the way defineTour currently works, that is not possible. The variable name is intended
// to make that clear.
hasEditSectionAtLoadTime = hasEditSection();
gt.defineTour( {
name: 'gettingstartedtasktoolbarve',
shouldLog: true,
showConditionally: 'VisualEditor',
steps: [ {
titlemsg: 'guidedtour-tour-gettingstartedtasktoolbarintro-title',
descriptionmsg: 'guidedtour-tour-gettingstartedtasktoolbarintro-description',
autoFocus: true,
overlay: true,
width: 450,
buttons: [ {
action: 'next'
} ]
}, {
titlemsg: 'guidedtour-tour-gettingstartedtasktoolbar-ambox-title',
descriptionmsg: 'guidedtour-tour-gettingstartedtasktoolbar-ambox-description',
attachTo: '.ambox',
position: 'bottomLeft',
autoFocus: true,
width: 450,
buttons: [ {
action: 'next'
} ],
shouldSkip: function () {
return gt.isVisualEditorOpen() || $( '.ambox' ).length === 0;
}, {
titlemsg: 'guidedtour-tour-gettingstartedtasktoolbar-edit-article-title',
descriptionmsg: 'guidedtour-tour-gettingstartedtasktoolbar-edit-article-description',
position: 'bottom',
attachTo: '#ca-ve-edit',
autoFocus: true,
width: 300,
shouldSkip: gt.isVisualEditorOpen,
allowAutomaticNext: false,
buttons: [ {
action: hasEditSectionAtLoadTime ? 'next' : 'okay',
onclick: function () {
if ( hasEditSection() ) {;
} else {
} ],
allowAutomaticOkay: false
}, {
titlemsg: 'guidedtour-tour-gettingstartedtasktoolbar-edit-section-title',
descriptionmsg: 'guidedtour-tour-gettingstartedtasktoolbar-edit-section-description',
position: 'right',
attachTo: editSectionSelector,
autoFocus: true,
width: 300,
shouldSkip: function () {
return gt.isVisualEditorOpen() || !hasEditSection();
}, {
titlemsg: 'guidedtour-tour-gettingstartedtasktoolbarve-click-save-title',
descriptionmsg: 'guidedtour-tour-gettingstartedtasktoolbarve-click-save-description',
attachTo: '.ve-ui-toolbar-saveButton',
position: 'left',
autoFocus: true,
closeOnClickOutside: false,
shouldSkip: function() {
return !gt.isEditing();
} ]
} );
} ( jQuery, mediaWiki, mediaWiki.guidedTour ) );